E4C’s Holiday Wishlist
At E4C, we have many Santa’s– we are fortunate to have donors and supporters who make financial contributions or drop off in-kind donations to our programs. Each time a donation comes in, its feels a bit like opening up a present! This year we separated our Holiday Wish List into the four categories that E4C’s programs and services address. E4C’s programs and services reach children, youth, adults and neighbourhoods to create positive and lasting change. Thank you to all our past, current and future Santas’s for supporting our community and us.
$100 provides seeds for E4C’s Community Garden
$500 feeds a child a nutritious lunch for an entire year in E4C’s School Lunch Program
$1000 feeds 66 women for one week at WEAC (Women’s Emergency Accommodation Centre)
$100 provides a household cleaning kit to a newly housed person
$1000 will cover the damage deposit of a newly housed person
$5000 covers 3 weeks of emergency shelter for one woman
$100 provides an acoustic guitar to a resident of McCauley apartments
$200 provides two weeks worth of gas for E4C’s Crossroads Outreach van
$500 provides a child with a semester of instruction in music, drama, or dance
$100 provides food for Young Chef’s programming in two classrooms
$500 provides transportation for 2 kids attending E4C’s Clareview Head Start Program
$10,000 provides one youth with education and training at E4C’s Kids in the Hall Bistro for one year