End homelessness
Shelter and Housing
Where will you sleep tonight?
For people living in poverty, that question is often impossible to answer. People who are homeless often move from location to location, trying to find shelter so they can spend the night out of the elements and safe from danger. Many others are considered hidden homeless – people who couch surf or sleep in cars, but have no home of their own.
Without a safe place to live, life’s challenges are even harder as the need for shelter overrides every other concern. In recent years, the housing first approach has begun to gain greater attention, as more people recognize that safe housing is the starting point for positive, lasting change.

e4c has always known that shelter and housing is essential to a person’s wellness and quality of life. From our earliest days, we worked to help people who were homeless or struggling with housing, find safe, affordable places to live. From emergency shelters such as the Women’s Emergency Accommodation Centre (WEAC), which offer a refuge from life on the street, to supportive housing in communities such as McCauley where on-site assistance helps people stay housed, our goal is to help people living in poverty find a home. We believe that housing is a human right, not something people must earn by changing themselves or their lives. And we are equally committed to helping both individuals and families find a place they can call their own.
Contact Information – WEAC
Want more information, or need help?
Register by phone:780-423-5302. Connect with us via email at weacadmin@e4calberta.org.
Registration begins at 7 AM daily, and the intake list renews daily.
Individuals will be contacted as beds become available; people without a phone may check back frequently for availability.
Contact Information – Other Shelter-Based Programming
Want more information or need help? You can reach us at 780-424-7543 or info@e4calberta.org
Financial Assistance
If you are at risk of homelessness, or need assistance securing a place to call home, we can help!
Introducing the Community Emergency Response Fund, for one-time assistance up to $1,000.
Click here for more information and how to apply.