Presents for E4C’s Early Head Start Program
The lovely family featured in this photo is built on paying it forward. Each year Cindy Stewart takes Victoria and Savanna out of school for a day to wrap presents for E4C’s Early Head Start program. All of the presents have been collected by Cindy and her co-workers. Cindy is a manager at one of Edmonton’s GAP stores. As a side project, she educates staff on the needs of families in E4C’s Early Head Start program and encourages staff to make year round donations for the families. By time the holiday season arrives, enough clothes have been collected to clothe 50 families within Early Head Start.
The effort involved in coordinating an endeavour of this magnitude is remarkable and the added touch of having the whole family involved is an inspiration. This is the fourth year the family has been collecting donations for Early Head Start. Through Cindy’s efforts, approximately 200 families have received gifts the last four years.