Stocking Swap for Kids in the Hall Bistro
Black Friday is also known as Buy Nothing Day, which began as a reaction to our consumer culture. In support of Buy Nothing Day, we’re encouraging trading and swapping. If you want to partake, E4C’s Kids In The Hall Bistro is looking for stocking stuffers for their 40 youth. If you have:
– Spare pairs of fresh socks
– Extra pairs of knit gloves
– Tiny personal hygiene products (shampoo, chapstick, soap, hand sanitizer, hand cream, etc.)
– Mind puzzles, stress balls, etc.
– Or, any other stuffer items
We’ll trade you a set of historic Alex Taylor School/E4C Holiday cards. One will have a special message inside for you, saying thanks in as many ways as we can muster, and one will be blank for you to pass onward.