Fouzia’s Story
Meet Fouzia. She is a parent who has been a part of E4C Clareview Head Start. She sent us a lovely letter detailing her story and her experience. Here is an excerpt:
Everything changed the day my son began his first day of preschool. My son, Adnan, was 4 years old and was newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. When my son was accepted into the program I had mixed emotions: I was very thrilled that my son was going to preschool where he would be interacting with other kids yet very nervous because he will be starting preschool with his newly diagnosed condition.
My family Support Worker helped me deal with my worries step by step and provided me with the resources that I needed. I was guided on how to separate myself from my son while he was in the classroom in a healthy way.
Adnan’s teacher was also very caring and helpful; she wanted to learn more about Adnan’s condition so that she could take better care of him. She would encourage Adnan to bring his machine for show and tell and have him explain to his friends about his condition. This encouragement meant a lot to Adnan. It taught Adnan to except his condition which made him feel like a normal kid. As a parent, this caring environment put us at ease knowing that our child was in good hands.
Clareview Head Start in my opinion is not just a regular head start, it’s a preschool within a Community! I met many parents from different parts of the world with various backgrounds who shared similar feelings as I did. I felt I wasn’t alone! I’m grateful that I had the chance to have met other wonderful parents whom I am friends with till this day.
To this day, Adnan is always placed in a higher level grade than his. The support of Clareview Head Start gave my family great support that helped Adnan build his confidence .
Click for more information on E4C Clareview Head Start or E4C Early HeadStart.