Emergency Funding Available – FUNDING IS NOW CLOSED.
Times are tough. But so are you.
Introducing the Community Emergency Fund – Note: FUNDING CLOSED EFFECTIVE AUGUST 31, 2020.
At e4c, we know that COVID-19 has thrown a wrench in everyone’s 2020 plans. Whether that was saving up for a move, visiting family and friends outside of Edmonton, or paying down debt, a lot of financial hardship has been created for all Albertans.
Which is why, in partnership with the United Way of the Alberta Capital Region, e4c has launched the Community Emergency Fund, a one-time emergency financial assistance fund for individuals and families experiencing financial hardship and facing an emergent need.
Emergency needs are defined as a need that is currently not being met, or at imminent risk of not being met, to which there are no other supports available.
Requests for assistance may be up to $1,000 and used for things like rental assistance (including damage deposit), utilities, and more.
Payment will be made to a third party vendor whenever possible. Payments will not be issued directly to the beneficiary.
Applications to receive funding must be completed by a professional connected to the family – a teacher, a health care provider, a religious leader, social worker, or other community based professional. Self-referrals, and referrals from family members will not be accepted.
Applications can be submitted by completing the Community Emergency Grant Application. Applications are now closed. Please contact 780-424-7543 to discuss other funding avenues or to connect to Intake & Diversion supports.
Completed applications for funding should be submitted to communitygrant@e4calberta.org
Funding is available until August 31, 2020. Please contact 780-424-7543 with any questions or concerns.
Supporting Documents:
- Community Emergency Grant Application