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A WEAC Journey

“I always seem to get stuck between a rock and a hard place. WEAC is a refuge.” Words like sanctuary and refuge are often used to describe WEAC, a 64-bed […]

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Feature Friday: April’s Journey

National Housing Day 2019 This is the first blog in a two part series featuring an Intensive Case Management (ICMT) graduate, April. Today is National Housing Day, and the launch […]

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Congratulations, Class of 2019!

June brings graduation season, and most of our attention is taken up by the hordes of high school grads in their finery flocking to the Edmonton Convention Centre, just down […]

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Karri’s Story

Born and raised in Edmonton, Karri is a single mother of two who received support from e4c’s Housing First Rapid Rehousing team for about two years, and has sustained her […]

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Denise’s Story

 Denise knows what it’s like for kids to go hungry and to not have anything to eat at school. She’s been there. Growing up, her mother struggled with mental […]

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Donna’s Story

To say that Donna’s early life was difficult is nothing short of an understatement. Born in Uranium City, Saskatchewan, her family moved to Edmonton when she was eight. She talks […]

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Melody’s Story

Growing up in a big, vibrant family, Melody had a loving – but sometimes difficult – childhood.  As she grew up, she faced continuing health issues that created a number […]

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